Public Speaking

Mishaal Khan

Mishaal likes to entertain people with hacks and shortcuts while conveying a much bigger message. His hands-on nature likes to test the limits of technology by breaking things in order to learn how to secure them.

He has spent his career in the corporate world building complex networks and helping organizations secure them. He's a privacy consultant and a professional OSINT investigator.

It helps to have a strong passion in Cybersecurity, OSINT and Privacy while holding a long list of technical certifications including CCIE R&S, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Social Engineer Pentester and the 1st IntelTechniques Certified OSINT Professional.

DEFCON – People Hunting: A Pentester’s Perspective

CONInt – Advancing OSINT with Social Engineering

TraceLabs – LinkedIn OSINT Techniques

PancakesCON – Phishing with Caricatures

BSides Delaware – Breaking MFA


Focus: Entertaining  |  Engaging  | Awareness

Corporate Breach

Your organization from the eyes of a hacker

As an organization, what information do you expose to a potential hacker?

This short session will explore the vast amount of publicly accessible information about your company scattered all over the internet, the darknet and other not so obvious sources using advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) techniques.

This presentation will highlight how this information can be used against you by malicious entities whether your competitors, nation state attackers, disgruntled employees, insider threats, hacktivists or wannabe hackers.

This presentation is sure to keep you awake at night!

Breaking MFA

Multifactor authentication (MFA) has been hailed by cybersecurity experts as a silver bullet in the security landscape which should leave IT leaders skeptical. Join Mishaal Khan to break down the myths encircling MFA and uncover its weaknesses. Mishaal will provide live demonstrations of MFA bypass methodologies, discuss adoption hurdles, vendors, technologies, pros & cons and offer a framework for implementing MFA so your organization's data is protected.

Beyond The Firewall

Cybersecurity has come a long way. From the humble beginnings of network security, to Zero Trust frameworks cybersecurity affects every product, solution and function in an organization. Join Mishaal Khan, Chief Ethical Hacker and security evangelist, as he shares his experience on the evolution of cybersecurity, emphasizing on a layered approach and how to think like a hacker to defend against one.

Hands-On Demo: Bypassing Network Firewalls, Email Security, Anti-Virus, and MFA.

Outsmart the Hacker

Advanced Cyber Safety Awareness

Get behind the scenes and get a glimpse of what a hacker sees when you click on a phishing email, watch how passwords are cracked in seconds, click on ransomware and see its destructive nature and experience the human vulnerability to social engineering attacks, all in a safe and controlled environment. Learn how to protect yourself from these attacks with live, interactive hacking techniques while you learn how it’s done in the real world.

As an experienced penetration tester, ethical hacker and certified social engineer, Mishaal will take you behind the scenes to show you how hackers hack and what you can do to counter their techniques.

The presentation engages both technical and non-technical groups and will keep them on the edge of their seats.

Everyone goes home being more aware and motivated to altering their lives to become more private and secure.

The Power of Social Engineering

Get into the mind of a person who gets into your minds.

This advanced and powerful technique is best understood by demonstrating it live with interactions and examples. As Mishaal is a very hands-on person and uses these techniques in penetration testing, he will show you how the bad guys use the power of influence and maniputation to breach the human firewall and achieve their purpose.

This presentation is sure to keep you thinking and question the motives of any similar interactions that you may come across.

IoT: The Insecurity of Things

You probably have more things talking to the internet in your house than you can count off the top of your head, I know I do (I'll show you)!

  • Let's talk about what IoT means to you and to organizations.
  • Are you thinking "security" when you design and engineer your projects or are you only thinking "functionality".
  • Why is securing IoT important?
  • What are some of the horror stories of insecure devices?


Let's get hands on with hacking IoT, what could go wrong? We'll scratch the surface and get you thinking.

Some of things we'll demo: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, connected home devices, WiFi Jamming devices, Pi-Hole, Mirai Botnet...


Please reach out for inquires. Topics can be customized to the audience. They can be solo, interview or panel style discussion.