
Managed Security is your buffet of services.

You get the best of security in a fixed monthly package.

As security becomes vast and complex every day, it is becoming harder and harder for organization to keep up with it.

It is not practical or economical to employ multiple security professionals in the organization for it's safekeeping. Instead, cyber security should be treated like physical security which is almost always outsourced.

We believe the customer should not have the headache to deal with the dynamic landscape of cyber security. That is why we have come up with a model where our team will manage the most common aspects of cyber security utilizing our knowledge, expertise and experience in this field.

A baseline Security-as-a-Service model may include the following (sample only) :

Service Frequency
Monthly Annual
Security Framework Adoptione.g. CIS 20, NIST CSF
1 hr
Vulnerability ManagementRun scans, present reports and devise a plan of action for remediation
Penetration TestingPerform Ethical Hacking on the target and present recommendations for mitigation
Phishing CampaignRun safe and random email phishing campaigns on the organization, present click rate, and educate on phishing awareness
Cyber Security User Awareness TrainingClassroom training for the organization with demos, participation and education on hacker techniques and prevention
Cyber Security Awareness Mailing ListSend monthly emails to spread security awareness with small chunks of actionable information to absorb
Remediation of vulnerabilities, threats or compliancePlan, report or implement fixes as documented in the remediation plan
1 hr
Log CollectionCollect logs from all relevant devices to keep a centralized history and trail of events
Security Events & Incidents Management (SEIM)Alert on critical events, weed out false positives, fine tune the system and take appropriate action
Network Access Control (NAC)Centrally control who has access to the network, which person, device posture, at what time, with what policies and privilliges


All services include:

  • Prior Management Approval
  • Comprehensive Reporting
  • Approved Maintenance Windows
  • Gradual Deployment


Service frequency can be modified by increasing the number of hours per month or instances per year. Additional services for issues discovered can be handled on an hourly basis. Please reach out to us for details and how your organization can save time, resources and money while protecting themselves from threats.


We are not a SOC (Security Operations Center). We provide a great alternative to managing your information security. This provides the necessary security foundation and prerequisites required for most SOCs. We can work with you and our partners to create a SOC that provides live insights to threats and vulnerabilities in your environment so you can take action.